Startup Services

Our perception of a company is not just the idea, but a combination of the product or service, the people involved, the market processes, and the economic or financial impact. We understand that initial crucial decisions can have an exponential influence on the curve of success, so please reach out to us directly for an open and frank discussion.


Do you have a fantastic idea and the passion to make your idea into a profitable business? We invest in startups with innovative ideas, large market potential, passionate teams, and great product-market fit. We’re passionate about supporting ambitious entrepreneurs like you, no matter what industry you’re disrupting. We connect investors with the best early-stage companies that have the potential to create long-term value.
Advisory & Mentorship
We believe that every entrepreneur has the potential to succeed, and we are here to help them unlock their full potential. Our goal is to create a supportive and empowering environment where entrepreneurs can thrive and make a positive impact on the world. We offer crucial early-stage support that encompasses strategic and process mentorship, tailored guidance, strategic business partnerships, and connections to potential investors.
The valuation forms the basis for negotiating the ownership stake offered to investors in exchange for their funding. By objectively assessing the current worth of the startup, investors and founders can agree on a fundraising target that reflects the company’s potential and current trajectory. This reduces the risk of unrealistic expectations and disappointment down the line. Get in touch with our experts to get your company’s valuation done. Our expert team ensures a fair valuation for both investors and founders to get a good deal, fostering stronger relationships and long-term commitment.
Market Research
Market research forms a crucial part of either developing an idea or building a business. It provides essential information about your target market and competitive landscape. It reveals how customers perceive your business, helping you connect with them, benchmark your competition, and plan your next steps. We guide you through industry trends, competitor analysis, and target audience insights, empowering you to make informed decisions and launch with confidence. Fuel your entrepreneurial journey with cutting-edge market research reports.
Feasibility Study
The primary objective of a feasibility study is to determine whether the project is not only viable but also advantageous from technical, financial, legal, and market perspectives. Our feasibility study serves as a compass, guiding decision-makers towards the most promising path for a business by providing a comprehensive evaluation of its potential advantages, drawbacks, obstacles, and limitations that could influence its outcome.
Idea Validation
Every great idea deserves a thorough assessment to ensure its economic, technological, and financial viability. The market is constantly evolving, and ideas need to adapt. By identifying flaws or lack of demand early on, you can pivot or abandon the idea before significant investment.A well-validated idea with evidence of market demand is much more attractive to investors and partners. Our idea validation team helps you to test your assumptions about market needs and target audience before committing significant resources.
Competitive Pricing analysis
Businesses can choose to undercut, match, or position themselves slightly above competitor prices depending on their target audience, brand value, and overall strategy. Simply observing competitor prices isn’t enough. It’s crucial to focus not just on price, but also on differentiation and building brand loyalty. We help analyze trends, understand customer segments, and factor in production costs and all contribute to a successful pricing strategy.
Due Diligence
Due diligence empowers you to uncover potential issues, assess all angles, and ultimately make wise choices based on verified data. This can include financial records, legal documents, operational practices, market conditions, and more.By conducting comprehensive due diligence, we can help you identify and mitigate potential risks, make informed decisions, and increase your chances of success.
Technology Commercialization
We ignite innovation’s path to market. We empower institutes and IP owners with the expertise and resources needed to turn game-changing ideas into thriving businesses. Through customized strategies, comprehensive resources, and powerful networks, we empower you to take your innovations to the world. Partner with us, and watch your breakthroughs transform into market leaders, solving real-world problems and shaping a brighter future. We provide a comprehensive suite of services to support research commercialization including:

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